
Difference between WordPress and Blogspot

Difference between WordPress and Blogspot

With the development of internet technology, the potential for blogging has also increased, and many weblog service providers can be used.

For a blogger, you must be familiar with two very large global weblog service providers, namely Blogspot and WordPress.

Blogspot is a subdomain of blogger.com, and WordPress is a subdomain of WordPress.com. Both are blogging platforms. Even though bloggers already know this, many are still confused about what the difference is. Aren't they the same?

Of course not. The two of them have differences in several aspects such as templates, features, hosting, SEO, and monetisation. To find out more about the differences between WordPress and Blogspot, you can listen to the review from FAQ® Zw below.

Difference Between WordPress and Blogspot

The review in this article will show you seven differences between WordPress and Blogspot, which can help you make your choice of platform. You can choose a platform according to your needs and goals for creating a blog. Here are the differences between WordPress and Blogspot that you need to know:

1. Freedom to Change Templates

One of the standout features of Blogspot is the freedom to easily change the templates provided. Because Blogspot supports HTML, the template can be changed according to the user's wishes easily. Unlike WordPress, which offers templates with a patent. If you want to change a WordPress template, it can be very difficult and usually requires expert knowledge. However, the templates presented by WordPress are already very good without needing to be changed.

2. Number of Additional Features Offered

When it comes to the features offered by the two platforms, WordPress has an advantage over Blogspot. WordPress offers numerous features, including hundreds of plugins. If you want to use a feature, you just have to download the plugin and install it. In contrast, Blogspot's features are limited and mostly rely on HTML. In terms of additional features, WordPress indeed surpasses Blogspot.

3. Hosting and Capacity

Blogspot provides hosting with unlimited capacity for its users, so you don't need to rent third-party hosting. Unlike WordPress, which provides free hosting but with limited capacity. If you want to convert your blog to a TLD domain, then you are charged a fee to buy the domain and rent hosting. WordPress often requires renting third-party hosting to fulfil your needs.

4. Search Engine Optimisation (SEO)

For SEO, the differences are subtle. It doesn't mean that because Blogspot is owned by Google.com, the SEO is automatically superior. WordPress has an SEO plugin for additional features, which can be used to directly check the SEO of a blog's content. To see the real impact, try searching for keywords on Google and check which platform the top articles belong to. Instead of being curious, just try it.

5. Easy To Monetise with Adsense 

Monetising with Google Adsense means getting multiple benefits from your blog, allowing you to channel your hobby and earn money. In this regard, Blogspot is superior because Adsense is a feature owned by Google, and Blogspot is also owned by Google. So, when you create a blog, you can immediately activate Google Adsense. This is different from WordPress, which must be upgraded first to activate Google Adsense. Then you can earn money from Google when someone clicks on the ads that appear on your blog.

6. Admin Editor View

This aspect depends on personal preference because every blogger has their own taste regarding appearance. For display issues, WordPress looks more polished than Blogspot, which can appear basic. However, Blogspot has made improvements here and there to enhance the editor's appearance.

7. Cost

Cost is another significant difference between WordPress and Blogspot. Blogspot is completely free, making it a great option for beginners and hobby bloggers. WordPress, while offering a free version, often requires additional costs for premium features, custom domains, and hosting services. These costs can add up, especially if you're looking for advanced functionality and customisation.


By examining the article about the differences between WordPress and Blogspot, the conclusion is that each platform has its own characteristics. It all depends on which service you want to use. Blogspot is excellent for beginners or those looking for a free, easy-to-use platform with basic features. WordPress, on the other hand, is ideal for those who need advanced features, and flexibility and are willing to invest in their blog's growth. Choose the platform that best aligns with your goals, skills, and budget.


Is Blogspot completely free? 

Yes, Blogspot is completely free, which includes free hosting and a subdomain under blogger.com. However, if you wish to use a custom domain, you will need to purchase it separately.

Can I switch from Blogspot to WordPress later? 

Yes, you can migrate your blog from Blogspot to WordPress at any time. There are several tools and guides available to help you transfer your content, though some technical knowledge might be required.

Which platform is better for SEO? 

Both platforms are capable of good SEO performance. WordPress has more advanced SEO plugins that can help optimise your content, but Blogspot, being a Google product, is also well-integrated with Google’s SEO tools. Ultimately, effective SEO depends on the quality of your content and your SEO practices.

Do I need to know coding to use WordPress or Blogspot? 

No, you do not need to know coding to use either WordPress or Blogspot. Both platforms offer user-friendly interfaces and tools that make it easy to create and manage a blog without any coding knowledge.

Which platform is better for monetisation? 

Blogspot is generally better for easy monetisation with Google Adsense, as it is a Google product. WordPress also offers monetisation options but often requires upgrading to premium plans to access these features.


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