
How to Remove Article URLs from the Google Index

How to Remove Article URLs from the Google Index? It is true that one of the activities of blogging is writing and publishing an article, but our goal in deleting an article here is a follow-up after sorting out which articles need to be deleted.

Maybe there are some of our posts that were not of very good quality in the early days of blogging, or there are some posts that we have deleted but still often appear on search engines. This is really bad for the development of the blog. For that, if you experience both things as above, it is okay to apply this method.

How To Delete

To delete articles and so that they don't appear again in search engines, the first step is to choose or determine which articles we want to delete, after determining which articles to delete, the next step is to open Search Console. Once in Search Console, the next step is to click the Google Index menu and continue by selecting Remove URL.

Then you just have to add the URL of the article to be deleted into the box provided, then click Continue, then click Send request and you're done.

This method is also proven to update the 404 error problem when the crawling engine or Google bot cannot find the contents of the article content in question.

That's how to remove article URLs from the Google Index, hopefully, this will be useful for all of you.

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