
Tips on How to Reduce Electricity Bill

Tips on How to Save Electricity Bill - Zesa

The development of technology cannot be denied, there are so many new resolutions that make it easier for humans. One way is by switching from regular electricity use to a prepaid electricity system. This is because the prepaid electricity system makes it easier to control electricity consumption according to pulses. 

So if your electricity credit runs out, your electricity will automatically go out too. At first glance, a prepaid electricity system might look a little more cumbersome and annoying if its address goes off.

But in this way, you know better how much electricity you are consuming. So my friend is more able to regulate electricity consumption, as well as save money.

Of course, you don't want it if your electricity credit runs out quickly? Well, here are a few things you can do to save electricity credit. Immediately, consider the following tips.

Replace the lights in your house, apartment or boarding house with LED-types

This type of light-emitting diode (LED) lamp does have the advantage of being more energy efficient, brighter, less hot, longer lasting, and consuming less electricity when compared to other types of incandescent or fluorescent lamps. 

Well, if you replace all the lights in your house, apartment or boarding house with LED lights, you will definitely save more on your electricity expenses.

Turn off the lights when not in use

This second tip is actually very important to do, but often many people don't pay attention to it. 

If you don't use lights or no one is in the room, then you should just turn off the lights. 

Leaving the lights on without any need is certainly a waste. So that your electricity credit will run out quickly

Choose the power according to your ability

You also have to choose the electric power according to your ability. Every purchase of electric pulses for electric power of 450 VA or 900 VA will get more kWh of electricity than with 1300 VA and above. 

Why is it like that? This is because the electric power of 450 VA and 900 VA still gets subsidies from the government, so it's more cost-effective. 

If your family is small and doesn't need a lot of electricity daily, it's better to lower the electric power of your house to make it more cost-effective.

Unplug electrical appliances from the plug when not in use

As far as you know, my friend will always think that if electrical equipment is not turned on or not used, it will not consume electricity. 

But in fact, electrical appliances that are not turned on, such as fans, air conditioners, or unused cellphone chargers, still consume electricity if the plug is still plugged in. 

Therefore, it is a good idea to unplug the electrical equipment from the power source, so as not to suck up electric pulses without you knowing it.

Cook in Bulk

I like homemade baked beans but it takes a lot of time during food preparation thereby consuming a lot of electrical energy.

For those who use cooker stoves, it is advised to cook in bulk food like boiled beans and everything that needs a lot of time boiling. You would store the boiled food in containers that you would freeze in your refrigerator. 

This method saves both time and electricity power even when cooking because you just need to warm the food.

Set the AC temperature

Now if your house uses AC, then it's a good idea to set the AC temperature not too low. Lots of people set the AC temperature to too cold, so the room becomes too cold, then sleep using a blanket. :(

If you do this often, friend, it's better from now on to avoid such things. Because this will inconvenience you and cause waste. 

We recommend that you set an air conditioner temperature that is comfortable for the body, such as the temperature in the mall, which is around 21-23 ° C. If the air conditioner is set to the coldest temperature, it will have to do extra hard work. So that it will make electricity more wasteful. 

Those are some tips that you can apply to save electricity pulses. I hope this helps.


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