
How to Avoid The Danger of Cyber Attack

How to avoid the danger of cyber attack

In today's age of technology, computers and smartphones have become integral to our daily lives. We use these devices not just for conversations but also for video chats, e-mail messaging, e-banking transactions, social media connectivity, and much more. As our dependence on these devices grows, so do the threats associated with them. Thefts, scams, and frauds related to computers and smartphones, collectively known as cybercrime, are on the rise. The COVID-19 lockdown saw a significant surge in cyber-attacks, highlighting the need for increased vigilance.

Understanding Cyber-Crime Tactics

Cybercriminals employ various tactics to infiltrate your devices. One common method is phishing, where hackers use enticing messages to lure victims. These messages often contain attractive offers, cashback claims, or notifications of winning a prize. They appear to come from legitimate sources, such as banks or offices, prompting recipients to click on malicious links or download harmful apps.

For example, a message might claim that you've won a significant sum of money and direct you to click on a link or download an app to claim your prize. Once you comply, you inadvertently grant permissions that allow the hacker to access your device. These malicious apps or software are often referred to as spyware, while deceptive links are known as spam.

How Hackers Gain Control

When you install spyware on your device, the hacker gains remote control, often without your knowledge. They can make calls, record or listen to your conversations, read your messages and emails, and even use your camera. This remote control is facilitated through the internet, enabling hackers to operate from anywhere.

To gain such control, hackers must install adware or spyware on your device. This is usually done through phishing links or third-party applications that request excessive permissions. By granting these permissions, you inadvertently allow hackers to access and manipulate your device.

Protecting Your Devices

To safeguard your computer and smartphone from cyber-attacks, follow these crucial tips:

  1. Avoid Third-Party Apps and Crack Software: Never download applications or software from untrusted sources. Stick to official app stores like Google Play Store or Apple App Store. Avoid cracked versions of paid software, as they often come with embedded malware.

  2. Be Cautious with Permissions: Always read the permissions requested by an app before granting them. If an app asks for unnecessary access to your contacts, messages, or camera, it’s best to avoid installing it.

  3. Ignore Suspicious Messages: Be wary of messages or emails that offer attractive deals or claim you’ve won a prize. Do not click on links or provide personal information in response to such messages.

  4. Use Security Software: Install reputable antivirus and anti-malware software on your devices. Regularly update these programs to protect against the latest threats.

  5. Regular Updates: Keep your operating system and all installed software up to date. Security patches and updates are crucial in protecting your device from new vulnerabilities.

  6. Secure Your Network: Use a secure and private Wi-Fi network. Public Wi-Fi can be a breeding ground for hackers looking to intercept your data.


In the digital age, awareness and vigilance are your best defence against cyber-crime. By understanding how hackers operate and adopting safe practices, you can protect your personal information and maintain the security of your devices. Always download apps from trusted sources, be mindful of the permissions you grant, and remain sceptical of unsolicited messages and emails. Stay informed and stay safe.


Q: What is phishing? 

A: Phishing is a cyber-crime tactic where hackers send fraudulent messages designed to trick you into revealing personal information or installing malicious software.

Q: How can I identify a phishing attempt? 

A: Phishing attempts often involve messages that seem too good to be true, such as offers of large sums of money or urgent requests for personal information. These messages usually contain links or attachments that, when clicked, can compromise your device.

Q: What should I do if I receive a suspicious email or message? 

A: Do not click on any links or download attachments. Verify the sender's authenticity by contacting them directly through official channels. Delete the suspicious message immediately.

Q: Can I rely on antivirus software alone to protect my devices? 

A: While antivirus software is essential, it should be part of a broader security strategy. Practice safe browsing habits, avoid suspicious downloads, and keep all your software up to date.

Q: What are the risks of using third-party or cracked software? 

A: Third-party or cracked software can contain malware that grants hackers access to your device. Always download software from reputable sources to avoid these risks.

Q: How can I ensure the security of my smartphone? 

A: Use strong passwords, enable two-factor authentication, regularly update your operating system, and be cautious about the permissions you grant to apps. Avoid downloading apps from outside official app stores.

Q: What steps should I take if I suspect my device has been hacked? 

A: Disconnect from the internet, run a full antivirus scan, change your passwords, and monitor your accounts for suspicious activity. If necessary, seek professional assistance to remove any malware.


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