
HDD to SSD Replacement, Its Advantages and Disadvantages

HDD to SSD Replacement, Its Advantages and Disadvantages

Is that an SSD? SSD itself is short / stands for Solid State Drive. Its function is exactly the same as a hard drive. Namely as a data storage place on the computer. This storage device is in the form of an interconnected flash chip. Its performance is almost similar to a Flashdisk which must be connected to a computer or laptop. 

Reportedly the idea of ​​SSD was born from the development of RAM and Flashdisk. The nature of RAM which can read and write data quickly, combined with a Flashdisk chip that can store permanent data, is this collaboration that has led to a new variant, namely SSD. RAM can store data (as in Windows PE), but not permanently. This deficiency is covered by the flash chip.

Maybe those of you who are reading this article are not familiar with SSD (Solid State Drive). Simply put, SSDs are the same as HDDs (hard disks), which have the same use, namely to store data or information on a computer. It's just that, SSDs work faster than Hard disks.

In terms of work, SSD works electrically just like RAM (Random Access Memory). Basically, electricity is moving faster than the rotating motion of the disk made by the Hard Disk. Therefore, SSDs work faster than HDDs, because they don't have to wait for the part of the data plate that you want to read/write to get to the head of the data controller.

In SSD, only need to send commands and bits of data in the form of electricity to the storage chip and the storage chip manipulates (writes) or sends back the state (read) the "lever" substance that is in itself according to the command given.

Because earlier we mentioned a little about the comparison of SSD speed with HDD. It would be better, if we discussed in detail the advantages and disadvantages of SSD (Solid State Drive) over HDD (Hard Disk).

Advantages and Disadvantages of SSD

This sub-material might be used as a reference for those of you who want to replace HDD to SSD. Because there are still many people who don't know the comparison of SSD to HDD.

The advantages of SSD

1. Access Time

SSD has access to speeds of 35-100 microseconds. Meanwhile, HDD is slower at around 5000-10000 microseconds. This means that on an SSD a program can run much faster, let alone a very large program such as an operating system. Therefore booting on a laptop/computer using SSD is much faster than using HDD.

2. Resilience

SSD does not have a drive part like HDD, so it is less likely to be damaged than HDD. In this case, it is resistant to shocks or falls.

3. Power Saving & Silent

SSD uses less power than HDD, so it is more power-efficient and can even save about 60%. SSDs also don't use discs like HDDs, which makes them less noisy than HDDs.

4. Size & Weight

There are SSD sizes that look like 2.5 "HDDs, and there are also m.2 SSDs, measuring 2.2cm x 3.0 cm - 11.0cm so they are often used on thin laptops. About the weight, SSDs are much lighter than HDDs, because there are no moving parts.

5. No interference 

Magnets are objects that often cause problems with HDD. Because a strong magnet can erase data on the HDD. Whereas on an SSD, it will not be affected by magnets.

Disadvantages of SSD

1. Limited Sizes

SSD has the term Terabyte Written (TBW) which is believed to be the maximum limit SSD can write, delete and copy-paste data. If the SSD has reached the maximum TBW number, the SSD is no longer able to be written, but can still be read.

2. Many Confusing Brands

Too many different brands, designs and controllers on SSDs. Ordinary people will usually be trapped because they don't understand architecture causing service life, performance that doesn't meet expectations after a long period of use.

3. No Heat allowed 

If it overheats, it causes the SSD's ability to decrease. SSD is almost the same as a computer CPU which has the term "throttling", which is a decrease in speed when there is overheating. This is inversely proportional to the HDD which when overheated can maintain its speed.

4. Hard to recover lost Data

When there is damage to the storage media, SSD is quite difficult to recover. Because SSDs store data in the form of electrons, making it difficult to recover. Meanwhile, HDD stores data in the form of light, making it easy to recover.

Things That Shouldn't Be Done on an SSD

There are some don'ts on SSDs. Because it can make the SSD damaged.

1. Don't defragment the SSD

SSD is not like HDD which stores data in the order of tracks and sectors. SSDs store data like Excel tables — rows and columns. The defrag action on the SSD causes the old data block to be moved to the new data block to be sequential, but the increase in access speed is zero. This makes the life of the SSD short because it wastes unnecessary write cycles.

2. Don't do a full format

If you do a full format on an SSD, it wastes write cycles and shortens its lifespan. Therefore, just do a quick format.

3. Don't DBAN

DBAN stands for Darik's Boot and Nuke. This is a bootable software to fully format hard disk partitions by writing 00000000 (binary) data to all of them, then overwriting 11111111 (binary) to all of them, then overwriting 01010101, and repeating several variants of bit patterns up to several dozen formatting cycles. The goal is to ensure that the data on the hard drive is completely lost and cannot be recovered at a low level.

Usually, a hard drive is in DBAN because it wants to be sold so that the contents of the previous hard drive are not found. If DBAN is performed on an SSD, it will shorten the life of the SSD, because it is a write cycle. SSD manufacturers usually provide utility software to securely erase or sanitise. This secure erase has the same effect as DBAN but is done in 3 seconds.

Well, those are the definitions, advantages, disadvantages and things that should not be done on an SSD. We all know that SSD prices are quite expensive, therefore take care of these expensive items, and know what can cause damage to these expensive items.


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