
The 10 Most Useful Computer Shortcuts


Are you tired of wasting time navigating through menus? Want to boost your productivity? Discover the 10 most useful computer shortcuts!

In today's fast-paced world, time is of the essence and every second counts. One way to save time and increase efficiency while using a computer is by mastering keyboard shortcuts. These shortcuts allow you to perform tasks quickly, without needing to navigate through menus or use your mouse. In this blog post, we'll explore the 10 most useful computer shortcuts that will make your life easier and more productive.

1. Ctrl + C and Ctrl + V: Copy and Paste

These two shortcuts are the bread and butter of computer users. No more right-clicking or fumbling through menus - just press Ctrl + C to copy the selected text or item, then Ctrl + V to paste it wherever you need it.

Example: Copying a hilarious joke from a website to share with your friends in a chat.

2. Ctrl + Z and Ctrl + Y: Undo and Redo

Did you make a mistake? Don't panic! Ctrl + Z is your lifesaver, allowing you to undo your last action. If you change your mind again, Ctrl + Y will redo the action.

Example: Accidentally deleting a paragraph of your essay, then using Ctrl + Z to bring it back. (Phew!)

3. Ctrl + F: Find

Need to locate a specific word or phrase in a document or webpage? Ctrl + F opens the "Find" window, allowing you to search for any text you need.

Example: Quickly finding the punchline in a long joke, so you can pretend you read the whole thing.

4. Ctrl + S: Save

Don't risk losing your work by forgetting to save! Press Ctrl + S to save your progress in any application.

Example: Saving your progress on a spreadsheet before your cat decides to walk across your keyboard.

5. Alt + Tab: Switch Between Open Applications

Need to jump between applications quickly? Alt + Tab lets you cycle through your open applications without reaching for your mouse.

Example: Switching between your work email and that YouTube video you're watching "for research purposes."

6. Ctrl + T: Open New Browser Tab

Opening a new browser tab has never been easier. Just press Ctrl + T, and you're ready to browse.

Example: Opening a new tab to search for "keyboard shortcuts" while keeping this blog post open, of course.

7. Ctrl + W: Close Current Window or Tab

Finished with a window or tab? Ctrl + W will close it in a flash.

Example: Closing the tab with that embarrassing video you accidentally clicked on during a video call.

8. Ctrl + P: Print

Need a hard copy of a document? Ctrl + P brings up the print menu, so you can start printing right away.

Example: Printing out a physical copy of your favourite joke, because, well, why not?

9. Windows Key + L: Lock Your Computer

Stepping away from your computer? Keep it secure by pressing the Windows Key + L to lock your screen.

Example: Locking your computer before you take a break to grab a snack, ensuring your coworkers don't send "funny" emails from your account.

10. Ctrl + Shift + T: Reopen Closed Browser Tab

Accidentally close a tab you needed? Fear not! Ctrl + Shift + T will bring it back to life.

Example: Reopening the tab with the hilarious joke you closed too soon because you just have to share it with one more person.


Now that you're equipped with these 10 essential computer shortcuts, you're ready to conquer the digital world with newfound efficiency and speed. Remember, practice makes perfect - the more you use these shortcuts, the more they'll become second nature. So go ahead, impress your friends and coworkers with your lightning-fast computer skills, and don't forget to share this blog post with them, too! Happy shortcutting!


Q: How do I share this great article? A: Just click the share button of the platform of your choice.

Q: Are these shortcuts the same on all operating systems? A: Most of these shortcuts are universal across Windows and Linux. On macOS, similar shortcuts exist but use the Command (⌘) key instead of Ctrl.

Q: Can I customise keyboard shortcuts? A: Yes, many applications and operating systems allow you to customise keyboard shortcuts to suit your preferences. Check the settings or preferences menu of your specific application or OS.

Q: What if I forget a shortcut? A: Don’t worry! There are many resources and cheat sheets available online. Over time, with regular use, you’ll remember the shortcuts that are most useful to you.

Q: Will using keyboard shortcuts really save me that much time? A: Absolutely! Even though each shortcut might only save you a few seconds, those seconds add up, especially if you perform the same tasks repeatedly throughout the day.

Q: Can I create my own shortcuts? A: Yes, many applications allow you to create custom shortcuts. This can be especially useful for frequently used commands that don't already have an assigned shortcut.

By integrating these shortcuts into your daily workflow, you can significantly enhance your productivity and streamline your tasks. Happy shortcutting!


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