
7 Ways to Prevent Your Website Content from Being Copied

7 Ways to Prevent Your Website Content from Being Copied

How would you feel if the article you had worked so hard to create was finally duplicated by someone else? Hurt and annoyed, right?! Not a few of them are very sadistic, namely copying and pasting blog posts without modifying them in the slightest. 100% the same as the original article. In the end, you can't do much other than report it to Google and hope that the copy-paste copyer's blog will be penalized. If that doesn't work, in the end, you can just let the copy-paste article appear everywhere. Therefore, you as a content creator are required to further improve blog security.

1. Adding a copy blocker script to your Blogger

Adding a copy blocker script to your Blogger blog can help protect your content from being copied. Below is a step-by-step guide to embedding this script in your Blogger blog.

Step-by-Step Guide
1. Log in to Your Blogger Account

2. Access the Blog Dashboard
  • From your Blogger dashboard, select the blog where you want to add the copy blocker script.

3. Go to the Theme SectionNavigate to the Theme section in the left sidebar.
  • Click on the Customize button.
  • Select Edit HTML from the drop-down menu.

4. Insert the Copy Blocker Script
Locate the <head> Tag:
  • Scroll through the HTML code to find the closing </head> tag. This is typically where you will place scripts that should load on every page.

Paste the Script:
  • Copy and paste the following script just before the closing </head> tag:HTML or Widget 

JavaScript: HTML
<!-- Copy Blocker -->
<script src='demo-to-prevent-copy-paste-on-blogger_files/googleapis.js'></script><script type='text/javascript'> if(typeof document.onselectstart!="undefined" ) {document.onselectstart=new Function ("return false" ); } else{document.onmousedown=new Function ("return false" );document.onmouseup=new Function ("return false"); } </script>
<!-- Copy Blocker -->

Save the Changes: After pasting the script, click the Save theme button at the top right corner of the editor.

5. Verify the ScriptPreview Your Blog:
  • Go to the Preview option to see if the copy blocker script is working as intended. Try to select any text on your blog to ensure it's blocked.
Check Different Pages:
  • Ensure that the script is functioning correctly across different pages and posts of your blog.

2. Disable Right-Click Functionality

Disabling the right-click context menu can prevent users from copying text and images using their mouse.

JavaScript: HTML

<!-- Right Click Blocker -->
<script type="text/javascript">
  document.addEventListener('contextmenu', function(e) {
<!-- Right Click Blocker -->

3. Use Watermarks on Images

Adding watermarks to your images is an effective way to deter unauthorized use. Watermarks can include your logo or website URL, making it clear where the image originated.

How to Add Watermarks:
  • Use photo editing software like Adobe Photoshop or online tools like Canva.
  • Ensure the watermark is semi-transparent and placed strategically to avoid easy cropping.

4. Implement a DMCA Badge

Displaying a Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) badge on your site can serve as a warning to potential content thieves that you are serious about protecting your content. You can register your site with the DMCA and obtain a badge to display.

DMCA Badge:
  • Visit the DMCA website.
  • Register your site and obtain a badge code to embed in your website.

5. Monitor Your Content

Regularly monitoring your content for plagiarism is essential. Tools like Copyscape and Grammarly can help you detect unauthorized use of your content.

Using Copyscape:
  • Visit Copyscape.
  • Enter your website URL to check/scan for duplicates online.

6. Legal Measures

If you find that your content has been copied, you can take legal action. Contact the offending site's owner or hosting provider to request content removal. If necessary, file a DMCA takedown notice.

Filing a DMCA Takedown Notice:
  • Identify the infringing content and gather evidence.
  • Contact the hosting provider or search engine with your takedown request.
  • Follow the DMCA guidelines for submitting a formal notice.

7. Using Google to Protect Your Creative Content from Plagiarism

Google is one of the most popular search engines that most web users rely on. Beyond its primary functions of browsing the internet and handling emails, Google offers tools to help you check for plagiarism of your creative content. One of the most effective tools for this purpose is Google Alerts.

Setting Up Google Alerts for Plagiarism Detection
Google Alerts is a free tool that can notify you whenever copies of your original content appear on the web. 

Here’s how to set it up:
  • Go to Google Alerts: Visit Google Alerts.
  • Create an Alert: Enter your content’s unique phrases or keywords into the alert creation box. Use quotation marks to specify exact phrases.
  • Configure the Alert: Choose the frequency of the alerts, the sources (such as blogs, news, etc.), and the language.
  • Save the Alert: Click “Create Alert” to start receiving notifications.

Once set up, Google Alerts will monitor the web for any instances of your specified phrases. Whenever a match is found, you will receive an email notification.

Responding to Plagiarism Alerts
When you receive an email from Google Alerts, follow these steps to address potential plagiarism:
  • Visit the Linked Page: Click the link in the email to review the webpage where your content appears.
  • Verify the Plagiarism: Compare the content on the page with your original work to confirm if it has been copied.
  • Take Action: If your content is being used without permission, you have several options:
    • Contact the Site Owner: Request that the copied content be removed or that proper credit be given to you.
    • File a DMCA Takedown Notice: If the site owner does not respond or comply, you can file a DMCA takedown notice to have the content removed.


Protecting your website content from being copied involves a combination of technical measures, monitoring, and legal actions. While no method can guarantee complete protection, these strategies can significantly reduce the likelihood of unauthorized copying.


1. Can these methods completely prevent content copying?

No method can entirely prevent determined individuals from copying content, but these measures can significantly deter casual theft.

2. Will disabling right-click and text selection affect user experience?

It may slightly inconvenience some users who are used to these functionalities. Consider the trade-off between protection and user experience.

3. How effective are DMCA takedown notices?

DMCA takedown notices are generally effective when dealing with hosting providers and search engines. However, the process can take time, and not all providers will comply promptly.

4. Can I protect all types of content with these methods?

These methods primarily protect text and images. For other types of content, such as videos or code, consider additional protective measures like encryption or proprietary formats.

5. What should I do if I find my content has been copied?

First, gather evidence of the infringement. Contact the offending site's owner or hosting provider to request removal. If necessary, file a DMCA takedown notice or consult a legal professional.

6. Is Google Alerts completely free?

Yes, Google Alerts is a free service provided by Google.

7. How often can I receive alerts?

You can choose the frequency of alerts when setting them up, ranging from "As-it-happens" to "At most once a day" or "At most once a week."

8. Can Google Alerts monitor all types of content?

Google Alerts works best with textual content. It may not be as effective for images, videos, or other multimedia content.

9. What should I do if the site owner doesn’t respond to my request?

If the site owner does not respond, you can escalate the issue by filing a DMCA takedown notice with the hosting provider or search engines.

10. Can I set up multiple alerts for different pieces of content?

Yes, you can set up multiple alerts for different phrases or pieces of content to ensure comprehensive monitoring.

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